Configuring Coverity Thin Client for use with Synopsys Bridge and Polaris

In some cases, you need to provide additional information about your project to make static analysis effective.

When you use Synopsys Bridge to start a fAST static scan, Synopsys Bridge calls Coverity Thin Client to manage code capture. Then Synopsys Bridge uploads the resulting data and artifacts to Polaris.

In some cases, you need to provide capture settings to Coverity Thin Client. You can provide these settings in a configuration file (usually named coverity.yaml), or by passing additional arguments in the CLI when you run a scan.

This guide includes example snippets and resources you can use to create a configuration file.

Note: All of the settings described on this page can be passed as command line arguments, if necessary. See Passing Arguments using the CLI in the Synopsys Bridge documentation for more information.

When to provide capture settings

A scan is likely to succeed without any intervention for uncompiled languages like Python, JavaScript, and PHP, because Coverity Thin Client can automatically detect these languages and configure the scan.

Use a configuration file in the following situations:
  • When scanning a compiled language, such as C/C++, C#, Java, and Kotlin, use the configuration file to provide your build and clean commands.
  • When scans for a project have failed or not returned useful results.
Note: Build environment components must be installed and accessible when integrating with compiled languages, as illustrated in the "Build commands and dependencies for various build systems" section further down in this guide. If you plan to run build capture, make sure the build tools are installed where the capture will run.
Things you can specify with the Coverity Thin Client configuration file:
  • Your build and clean commands
  • Whether source code in a specific language should be captured or excluded.
  • A custom compiler configuration. This is helpful if you are compiling C++ and Coverity does not automatically configure the compiler (for example, when using a GCC cross-compiler).

How to start a configuration file

Save a coverity.yaml file in your project's root directory and use the following examples to customize that file. When Coverity Thin Client is called by Synopsys Bridge, it automatically detects the file, reads the contents, and executes custom configurations.

Basic examples

For more build and clean commands, see the reference section at the end of this guide.

Java with Maven

The following configuration specifies the clean and build commands needed by Maven. The project will be cleaned by invoking mvn clean and built using mvn install.

    clean-command: mvn clean
    build-command: mvn install                
About this example:
  • This example shows the complete contents of a coverity.yaml file that you can use to test a Maven project.
  • Note that white space matters in YAML files. The three levels of indentation indicate that the build property is nested under the capture property and build-command and clean command are nested under build.

Standard Java example

    build-command: javac                

C# with msbuild

    clean-command: dotnet msbuild /t:Restore;Clean OWASPTop10.SqlInjection.Web.csproj
    build-command: dotnet msbuild /t:Restore;Build OWASPTop10.SqlInjection.Web.csproj

C# with dotnet

    clean-command: dotnet clean Foo.sln
    build-command: dotnet build Foo.sln                

Executable script as a build command


Coverity Thin Client will only accept one build command and one clean command in the config file, but you can point to a script containing commands if you need more.

Configuration properties

The tables in this section describe each of the keys that can be used in the coverity.yaml file, starting at the top level with capture.

Capture settings

The following table describes the capture configuration; subsections describe the fields that make up the Capture type. All the Keys in the first column of this table can be nested directly under the capture key in the coverity.yaml file. (For example, build can be seen in the first row of the table and is used in the example immediately above.)

Key Type Description
build Build Configuration Specifies that build capture should be used to capture the project and provides the build configuration to use.

If not specified and the project directory contains compiled source files, automatic build capture will be used to capture compiled source files in the project directory.

For compiled languages only: Java, Kotlin, C#, C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++.

See the Build configuration table below for keys that can be nested under this one.

encoding string Specifies the encoding to use when parsing and emitting the source files in C, C++, JavaScript..Default: US-ASCII
languages Languages Configuration

Specifies which languages to include or exclude for capture.

See Language configuration for a list of supported languages.

Default: all languages are included

See the table in the Language configuration section for keys that can be nested under the languages key.

Build settings

The following keys can be defined for compiled languages only. All the keys in this table can be nested directly under the build key in the configuration file.

Key Type Description
aspnet-compiler Boolean Specifies whether to enable or disable the automatic invocation of Aspnet_compiler.exe for any ASP.NET 4 and earlier Web applications that are detected in the build. The output of Aspnet_compiler.exe is required by the C# security checker.
build-command String Required: The build command will be invoked to use build capture to capture the project.

A build command specified on the command-line will override this setting.

clean-command String The clean command will be invoked prior to doing build capture to capture the project.

For example:

    clean-command: dotnet msbuild /t:Restore;Clean OWASPTop10.SqlInjection.Web.csproj
    build-command: dotnet msbuild /t:Restore;Build
    aspnet-compiler: true

Language configuration

Use the following keys to specify which languages to include or exclude from capture. You may not specify both fields.

Language strings may be the following:
  • apex
  • c-family (This family includes C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++)
  • csharp
  • go
  • java (Includes JSP and android config files)
  • javascript (Includes JavaScript and TypeScript)
  • kotlin
  • php
  • python
  • ruby
  • swift
  • vb (Visual Basic)
The following languages are not supported by the Coverity CLI:
  • CUDA
  • Fortran
  • Scala

Keys in this table can be nested under the languages key, which appears in the first table above and is nested under the capture key.

Key Type Description
include Array of String Specifies the languages for which the source code should be included in the capture.

This key is mutually exclusive with the exclude key.

Default: all languages are included.

exclude Array of String Specifies the languages for which the source code should be excluded in the capture.

This key is mutually exclusive with the include key.

Default: No languages are excluded.

For example:

         - python

Build commands and dependencies for various build systems

You may need to install the machine dependencies to run the corresponding build. If build and clean commands don't work, check for the dependencies.

Build System How to Detect Minimal Set of Machine Dependencies Build and Clean commands
Maven Look for the presence of "pom.xml" files in the project directory

Maven build tool

Java compiler

build-command: mvn -DskipTests -DskipITs install

clean-command: mvn clean

Gradle Look for the presence of "build.gradle" files in the project directory
With a "gradlew" file (Linux/Mac)

Java compiler

(Gradle will be downloaded automatically)

build-command: gradlew --no-daemon -x test build testClasses

clean-command: gradlew clean

With a "gradlew.bat file (Windows)

Java compiler

(Gradle will be downloaded automatically)

build-command: gradlew.bat --no-daemon -x test build testClasses

clean-command: gradlew.bat clean

Without a "gradlew" or "gradlew.bat" file

Gradle build tool

Java compiler

build-command: gradle --no-daemon -x test build testClasses

clean-command: gradle clean

Make Look for the presence of a file called "Makefile"

Make build tool

Compiler for the appropriate language

build-command: make

clean-command: make clean

Ant Look for the presence of a "build.xml"

Ant build tool

Java compiler

build-command: ant

clean-command: ant clean

MSBuild Look for the presence of files with ".sln" or ".csproj" extensions. .NET SDK

build-command: dotnet msbuild /t:Build

clean-command: dotnet msbuild /t:Restore;Clean

XCode Look for the presence of directories ending with ".xcodeproj" XCode

build-command: xcodebuild -workspace <xcodeproj dir> -scheme <scheme> build -UseModernBuildSystem=No CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO

clean-command: xcodebuild -workspace <xcodeproj dir> -scheme <scheme> clean

GCC configuration

The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) requires its own coverity.yaml configuration settings. To use GCC, add lines to:
  • Specify the GCC compiler using cov-configure.
  • Designate the language and CPU target:
        - [ --template, --compiler, arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc, --comptype, gcc ]
        - [ --template, --compiler, arm-linux-gnueabi-g+, --comptype, g+ ] 

Below is an example coverity.yaml settings block for GCC, telling it to run a make clean then run the make command in parallel with at least 10 job slots (make -j 10).

C/C++ Cross Compiler coverity.yaml example:
# Coverity configuration file.
# The schema is available here: <install-dir>/doc/configuration-schema.json
    clean-command: "make clean"
    build-command: "make -j 10"
    - [ --template, --compiler, arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc, --comptype, gcc ]
    - [ --template, --compiler, arm-linux-gnueabi-g+, --comptype, g+ ] 
Note: Pay special attention to GCC binary naming conventions if using more than one language and/or CPU target.